Le blog / The Beauty Bible likes Visoanska
17.09.12 | Par Marion | dans News, English | 0 commentaire | Mots-clés : beauty bible, jo fairley, daily care
Jo Fairley, one of the UK's most respected and Influential beauty journalists, and co-author of the best selling series of Beauty Bible books and www.beautybible.com, made us the honor to write an amazing piece of blog that we are thrilled to share with you:
While swanning through Harrods on Monday (en route to the Chanelpop-up), we were a little bit blown away by the new, relocated Apothecary. Can we just say: Such. An. Improvement.
And savvily, one of the ranges they've hand-picked is Visoanska, named after the unbelievably-smooth-skinned founder (Elisabeth Visoanska), which explains the slightly weird name for this luxe line. (She's Parisian. Via Poland.)
What we're particularly taken with is the designs. Not just airtight, but each tube of the anti-ageing products - Formule Anti-Age Optimale and Extrème for day, plus Longévité Cellulaire Night - twists to dispense a skin-boosting vitamin to complement the effects of the active creams themselves.
So the skin vits are right there to remind you to take them, staring you in the (potentially younger-looking) face. Not in the bottom of your handbag. Or your bedside table. Or anywhere else that makes it so darned easy to forget clean about popping those pills regularly.
No wonder it's won a beauty industry packaging 'Oscar'.
Truly memorable..
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