
Good Morning TVN (Dzien Dobry TVN): A reportage by Marcin Lipowski

19.04.15 | Par Marion | dans An encounter with..., LIVE CONTENT, News, English | 0 commentaire | Mots-clés : TV, Elisabeth Visoanska, Céline Larralde Lubin, Interviews, Reportage

It was a great pleasure for us to welcome in Paris the reporters of the Polish TVN channel. Led by Martin Lipowski, the reporting team witnessed for three days the intense and exciting everyday life of the parisian cosmetic brand. The result of our enjoyable time together was broadcasted on Dzien Dobry TVN (Good Morning TVN) on the 06.03.2011.  If you want to see the reportage click here !


Elisabeth Visoanska interviewed by the reporting team

Elisabeth Visoanska interviewed by Martin Lipowski 


Elisabeth Visoanska interviewed reporting team

Shooting on the terrace overhanging the mythical boutiques of "Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré"


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